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The Federal Underused Housing Tax Return in Canada

Blog by MacPherson Real Estate Ltd | October 18th, 2023

In Canada, owning rental property can be a rewarding venture, offering a steady stream of income and long-term investment potential. However, with the myriad of tax regulations in place, it's crucial for landlords and property owners to stay informed and take advantage of any tax benefits available. One such benefit that can significantly impact clients who own rental property in Canada is the Federal Underused Housing Tax Return. In this blog post, we'll delve into what this tax return entails, its implications, and how it affects clients with rental property in the Great White North.

Understanding the Federal Underused Housing Tax Return

The Federal Underused Housing Tax Return is a tax incentive introduced by the Canadian government to encourage property owners to provide housing to those in need, particularly in tight housing markets. This program incentivizes owners of vacant or underutilized residential properties to rent out their units by offering a tax return on the property's fair market value.

Implications for Rental Property Owners

  1. Financial Incentives: By participating in the Federal Underused Housing Tax Return program, rental property owners can benefit from a significant financial incentive. The tax return is calculated based on the fair market value of the property, offering property owners an opportunity to recoup a portion of their investment. This financial incentive can make owning rental property in Canada even more lucrative.

  2. Reduced Vacancy Rates: The program's main goal is to increase the supply of rental housing in high-demand areas. Property owners who choose to participate can play a pivotal role in addressing Canada's housing shortage. By renting out underutilized properties, they not only stand to gain financially but also contribute to the broader community by reducing vacancy rates and increasing housing options.

  3. Compliance and Reporting: To qualify for the Federal Underused Housing Tax Return, property owners must adhere to certain guidelines and regulations. These include demonstrating that the property has been rented or available for rent for a specified duration and maintaining appropriate records. Compliance is essential to ensure eligibility and to avoid potential penalties.

  4. Economic and Social Impact: The program's broader impact extends to the Canadian economy and society as a whole. By addressing housing shortages and making housing more affordable, the Federal Underused Housing Tax Return contributes to a healthier housing market and helps to alleviate financial burdens on tenants.

How It Affects Clients with Rental Property

Clients who own rental property in Canada can benefit significantly from the Federal Underused Housing Tax Return. It not only offers a financial incentive but also provides a way to address housing shortages and contribute positively to their communities. Rental property owners need to consider the following to make the most of this program:

  1. Stay Informed: Regularly staying informed about changes in tax regulations and incentives is vital. Property owners should keep an eye on updates related to the Federal Underused Housing Tax Return and consult with tax professionals to ensure they're taking full advantage of the program.

  2. Compliance: Meeting the program's compliance requirements is essential. This includes maintaining detailed records, ensuring properties are available for rent, and adhering to relevant guidelines. Failing to comply can lead to disqualification and potential penalties.

  3. Strategic Planning: Rental property owners should consider their long-term goals and how participating in the program aligns with them. Strategic planning can help them make informed decisions about which properties to rent out and when to do so.


The Federal Underused Housing Tax Return is a valuable opportunity for clients who own rental property in Canada. By participating in this program, property owners can receive financial incentives, contribute to addressing housing shortages, and positively impact their communities. Staying informed, complying with the program's regulations, and strategically planning for participation can help rental property owners maximize the benefits of this initiative while navigating the complex world of Canadian real estate and taxation.